Kitten Natividad News
If massive, overwhelming, watermelon sized boobs is what you're after, well then prepare to be boob attacked with the exhausting amount of big breasted women, you'll find it all here! You'll get  mounds of videos, plus you'll witness the titty fucking of
the most rotund breast you'll ever have the
privilege of seeing.

* 24/6/2006    4 Kitten Natividad movies (228 MB)
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad

* 19/6/2006    5 Kitten Natividad movies (328 MB)
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad
Kitten NatividadKitten Natividad

Kitten Natividad Stats:
 She was born Francesca Natividad on February 13, 1948, in Juarez, Mexico just across the Rio Grande from El Paso. She is the oldest of nine siblings. Yes Natividad is her real last name. Her mom gave birth when she was just 16, at home, with her grandmother as midwife.

It was 1969 and soon after an introduction to the owner of a Pasadena-based club called Gianone’s, she made her dancing debut. Very nervous, she concentrated on her dancing while oblivious to everything going on around her. When she finished, the crowd clapped and howled, while throwing money on the stage. The roar would grow so load, it could be heard two blocks away! And she liked it! Before long she was working a couple of clubs a night.